
Hymn to Dagda, the Big Bellied One
All hail to Dagda, wisdom's endless well,
in whom life and death together dwell.
Your cauldron holds the universe entire,
Your harp breaths into life it’s singing fire.
Oh Dagda, guide us as we seek the Way.
‘Tis cause your grace that night unites with day,
that winter weds herself to summer’s glow,
and seasons flow unto eternity.
Your club, the gift of life and death's decree,
does mark the rhythm of the star’s orbits.
Enjoined in Mother Danu’s sweet embrace,
your dance the play of energy and space.
Oh Dagda, in your light we trust.
You make complete what seems unjust.
The oak and seed in you are one.
You are the moon, you are the sun.
O praise to Dagda, good allfather.
In your presence, we find our home.
In your song, we find our name.
In your hands, we find our peace

for companions seek not numbers but depth
cheap friends will join to raise a glass and cheer
but vanish when enemies pound at your gates
or join the mob and jeer at your demise
not in the crowd but in the quiet few
like roots of oaks entwined within the earth
the years of feast and famine equal shared
a grizzled trust without the need for words

be but a rustic fool don’t wander far
befriend the old man living down the road
the father who tends to the ruined church
the lady who sells porridge right next door
they are not saints nor kings nor great artists
they are the weft of land and blood called home
the hawthorne tree grows only where it is
and friendship in the village that you live

your skin and hair the leaves and clouds an endless flow
from is to isn’t and isn’t to is again
a friend you’ve shared so many trials with
can turn into a vengeful enemy
their ruin success an unexpected turn
your pride half-truths a thread unraveling
each meeting has parting as its shadow
the druid makes his home within the dark

the heaviest burden of man is three
a lie betrayal and complication
men carry these with them into their sleep
souls warp under their weight for years
the druid speaks plain truth to high and low
he keeps his word and holds no hidden face
his mind as simple as a forest stream
his presence melts all heaviness away

willows have ears dales have trembling hearts
the marigold whispers its tales to you
night stars don’t shine but sing and hopeful wait
for you to add your voice to their refrain
the spirits dwelling in the woods and hills
the Morrigan whose wrath ripples through clouds
are the druid’s dearest of friends he holds
their hands companions of ten thousand years