
Hymn to Dagda, the Big Bellied One
All hail to Dagda, wisdom's endless well,
in whom life and death together dwell.
Your cauldron holds the universe entire,
Your harp breaths into life it’s singing fire.
Oh Dagda, guide us as we seek the Way.
‘Tis cause your grace that night unites with day,
that winter weds herself to summer’s glow,
and seasons flow unto eternity.
Your club, the gift of life and death's decree,
does mark the rhythm of the star’s orbits.
Enjoined in Mother Danu’s sweet embrace,
your dance the play of energy and space.
Oh Dagda, in your light we trust.
You make complete what seems unjust.
The oak and seed in you are one.
You are the moon, you are the sun.
O praise to Dagda, good allfather.
In your presence, we find our home.
In your song, we find our name.
In your hands, we find our peace.

in spring ten million hawthorns bloom with white
in fall ten million forest fungi fruit
a trillion stars dance perfectly in space
without a lord to tell them what to do
wise kings let nature take the measure of
what’s needed and what’s not he has no lands
his subjects none his kingdom without end
orders itself like the deep mountain glen

this war shall be the last I guarantee
our peace secured we shall not fight again
a million times have kings made promises
and every time have proved but empty words
the druid king runs ‘way from far-off wars
he spends little on arms and war machines
no sons are lost on games of pride and greed
invade these lands you’ll clutch at wind and streams

fire's not quenched by adding fuel and flames
and war ne’er brings an end to bloody strife
the water stills the flames and the boldness
to let things be quiets the din of war
who has the strength and will to surrender
whose people are as spacious as the sky
who are as useless as a knotted tree
‘tis they that dwell free from all conquerors

you cannot break true laws nor can you lose
true rights and liberties what need of kings
their ministers judges and officers
whose profit is from standing in the way
labyrinthine laws and offices distort
and might and money rot their officers
ideas of right and wrong infect the land
the people stray further from innocence

in ancient times there was no need for law
the villagers Atlantic seas and gods
ruled rustic villages without a name
a harmony of earth blood and spirit
the wish for more and better is a curse
from it grew cities sprawling ‘cross the land
as riches swelled so did their walls and arms
imprisoned for so long all liberty forgot