
Hymn to Dagda, the Big Bellied One
All hail to Dagda, wisdom's endless well,
in whom life and death together dwell.
Your cauldron holds the universe entire,
Your harp breaths into life it’s singing fire.
Oh Dagda, guide us as we seek the Way.
‘Tis cause your grace that night unites with day,
that winter weds herself to summer’s glow,
and seasons flow unto eternity.
Your club, the gift of life and death's decree,
does mark the rhythm of the star’s orbits.
Enjoined in Mother Danu’s sweet embrace,
your dance the play of energy and space.
Oh Dagda, in your light we trust.
You make complete what seems unjust.
Oak and seed in you are one.
You are the moon, you are the sun.
O praise to Dagda, good allfather.
In your presence, we find our home.
In your song, we find our name.
In your hands, we find our peace.

the search for riches brings but poverty
craving for more and more brings only lack
and gain is but a brief relief of thirst
‘til it returns redoubled by its quench
for druids this here life is wealth enough
their eyes washed through by dawn’s lavender light
reveal the riches of the lark’s high trills
and the sweet silence closer than the breath

leave ragged shoes outside a temple’s gate
you needn’t fear they vanish as you pray
but finely crafted slippers at its doors
how likely they’ll be gone when worship ends
the farms with empty floors and clay-baked pots
sleep well at night unfearful of the thieves
but manors stuffed with wealth and lacquered bowls
are ever manned by guards they cannot trust

the merchant grinds away for more and more
a jewel of his business acumen
a promise that his children will not want
security for his uncle and his niece
but for his children he is but a name
his wife knows but her own pillow at night
and his own spirit withers in its shell
his legacy the curse of empty wealth

the wolf needs but his legs, his nose, a hare
the raven needs but two wings and a branch
the poplar needs but open air and sun
the mushroom needs but wind and detritus
now look how far great humankind has come
where need and greed have transformed into one
where better and the best replaced enough
and hid away the wonder of the one

don't look further than your eyes can reach
don’t want more than what honest work can pay
let spring squills and heather be your jewels
and nettles and potatoes nourishment
let gods’ and heroes’ tales shared ‘round the hearth
moonshine and Irish ballads be your joys
let your cathedral be the hills and yews
and scripture be the sky and roaring seas