
Hymn to Dagda, the Big Bellied One
All hail to Dagda, wisdom's endless well,
in whom life and death together dwell.
Your cauldron holds the universe entire,
Your oak harp sings water, earth, wind, and fire.
Oh Dagda, guide us as we seek the Way.
In Your vision, the night unites with day
and winter weds herself to summer's glow
and seasons flow into eternity.
Your club, the gift of life and death's decree,
which marks the rhythm of eternity.
Enjoined in Mother Danu’s sweet embrace,
Your dance, the play of energy and space.
Oh Dagda, in your being we trust,
You make complete what seems unjust.
Oak and seed in you are one.
You are the moon, you are the sun.
Praise to Dagda, the ancient light,
In your presence, we find our home.
In your song, we find our name,
In your hands, we find our peace.

amidst the oaks where wisdom’s heard
their verdant leaves so softly tell
that like the gulls that yield to wind
and rivers that vanish into seas
as ivy lightly clings to oak
or water wears a mountain down
give way to force and show the strength
that conquers all by bowing down
the greatest king gives up his crown
relinquishing his power grows
he rules without edicts and laws
he orders men without commands
his strength he finds in backwood towns
his wisdom comes from ignorance
he does not aim to fix the world
but let’s it settle of itself

we are the children of the earth
and to her flesh we must return
sunrise gives way to dusk’s last light
a river empties in the sea
cast out all names and barriers
to seasons look an endless flow
of death to life of life to death
from fullness to fullness they go

‘tis death life's patient, silent friend
that claims the leaf which falls to earth
and in its ending finds rebirth
the sprigs of spring the beetle’s buzz
‘tis death that claims the burning sun
and jewels the sky with all its stars
and calls us back into its depths
to see the majesty of dark
within the equal find the true
as ocean knows both storms and calm
as mountains bear the summer’s scorch
and winter’s frosts and barren trees
though wheel spins ten million times
and seasons pass ten million more
the center point remains unmoved
the world is nowhere to be found